Well + Good offers sustainable and holistic nutrition services for balanced living and a positive mental relationship with food by using science-backed evidence & dietetics.
Year: 2022
Industry: Wellness & Nutrition
Personality Traits: Positive, Wholesome, Encouraging, Evidence-Based
Scope of Work: Brand Identity, Strategy, Web Design + Development, Copywriting, Social Media, Packaging
Well + Good is the epitome of what we need more of in the world. Positivity, encouraging words, science-backed health plans, and kindness to oneself. When we met with Rachel, founder & nutritionist of Well + Good, we felt her sunshine radiating through her personality - and wanted to incorporate that same positive energy into the brand.
We dove into the strategy behind Well + Good, built a brand and website from the ground up, developed a voice, and came up with packaging for different items being sold on the site. We came up with a way to evoke health + wellness while avoiding harmful tropes and diet culture. Well + Good offers customized holistic nutrition and wellness plans emphasizing self-acceptance and positive mental relationship with food, mind, body, and movement - we wanted to tap into that self-acceptance and positive mental relationship with health through the branding. We used positive language, organic illustration, and clean color palettes + typography to accomplish that feeling.
Primary Logo
Brandmarks+ Additional Logos
The Website
Not only did Well + Good’s website need to be beautifully designed & appealing to potential clients, it also needed to be functional for a myriad of reasons and revenue streams contributing to the business. First and foremost, it needed to communicate what Well + Good offers, and provide a lengthy contact form full of health history, diet habits, and much more for intake. Second, it needed a refined blog to post recipes, health & nutrition advice, and mental wellness tips. The blog is an integral feature to Well + Good, which contributes to the SEO of the site and coincides with the email marketing and social media of the company. Lastly, the site needed a fully functional shop page for the future when Well + Good is ready to launch their own products.
The shop page is currently hidden, but will soon be live with skincare products, CBD tinctures, vitamins and supplements, and more.
Aside from the design & functionality of the website, one of Well + Good’s main priorities is having a positive & cohesive brand voice. One that encourages clients, feels approachable & friendly, but still professional and backed with science. We narrowed in on Well + Good’s voice, and decorated the website with uplifting quotes, encouraging love letters, and blog posts explaining the benefits of holistic wellness & nutrition.
Social Media Templates
Social Story Templates